
One recycling cart is provided to each home that desires to participate in the recycling program.
Please follow these steps when you take your cart to the street:
Face the recycling cart toward the street (wheels away from the street).
Position the recycling cart within two feet of the curb.
Avoid placing the cart within four feet of a parked car, mailbox, or other object.
Recycling will be collected every other week.

The following is a list of items that are accepted and how they should be prepared for recycling:
  •   Soda, milk, detergent, shampoo and small-mouth bottles.
  •   Labels do not need to be removed. Rinse and flatten container.
  •   Clear, brown, and green glass bottles and jars.
  •   Labels do not need to be removed. Rinse container.
  •   Newspaper
  •   Glossy inserts
  •   Magazines and catalogs (up to 1" thick)
  •   Cardboard (broken down into 2' X 2' pieces)
  •   Mixed office paper
  •   Junk mailRecycling
  •   Paper bags
  •   Aluminum and bi-metal beverage cans, steel food/tin cans, empty aerosol cans
  •   Labels do not need to be removed. Rinse and flatten containers.